3 Star Half MoonMats ⭐⭐⭐ (Minor Perimeter Flaws)
3 Star Half MoonMats ⭐⭐⭐ (Minor Perimeter Flaws)
MoonMats are a 100% repurposed product produced entirely in The United States. MoonMats are made from the same high-grade, hypoallergenic, closed cell PVC memory foam used to create ear protection for the US military. MoonMats' foam is temperature reactive, feeling softer at warmer temperatures. Each half MoonMat measures 42”x27-29”x3/4”. With over 4000 crater holes per MoonMat, MoonMats are created in extremely limited quantities directly correlated with the amount of earplugs produced each year. MoonMats can be utilized to turn any surface on Earth into a comfortable lunar landing zone.
Due to the inherent nature or a repurposed product; 3 star Half MoonMats will include all the same irregularities of 5 star half MoonMats as well as additional exterior flaws created during the earplug production processes:
Minor tears in the solid foam perimeter (Under 2.5")